Policy & Politics

Education news, analysis, and opinion about the legislation, guidance, policies and people involved in federal and state government
Federal Ron DeSantis Is Running for President. What Will That Mean for K-12 Schools?
DeSantis has solidified himself as a force on school policy. His campaign will likely influence the role education plays in the election.
6 min read
Law & Courts Biden Administration Urges High Court to Reject Case on Legal Status of Charter Schools
The case about whether a North Carolina charter school is a "state actor" when it enforces its dress code is being watched closely.
4 min read
Law & Courts Appeals Court Upholds Admissions Policy at Elite Virginia High School
Critics say the new admissions policy discriminates against highly qualified Asian Americans.
3 min read
States Every State Now Lets Schools Measure Students' Success Based on Mastery, Not Seat Time
Wyoming became the final state to adopt competency-based education policies when it approved a new pilot program in April.
8 min read
Image of a man climbing toward a goal.
Nuthawut Somsuk/iStock /Getty<br/>
Education Funding Congress Prepares to Raise the Debt Ceiling. But K-12 Funding Is Still in Jeopardy
Federal spending limits in exchange for raising the debt ceiling could lead to cuts for key K-12 funding like Title I and IDEA.
3 min read
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of Calif., speaks with reporters on the debt limit as he walks, Tuesday, May 30, 2023, on Capitol Hill in Washington.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy speaks with reporters on the debt limit in Washington on May 30, 2023.
Mariam Zuhaib/AP
School Choice & Charters Opinion What the Heck Are Microschools?
Microschooling aims to create a more active learning environment for students than what's found in traditional school systems.
7 min read
Image shows a multi-tailed arrow hitting the bullseye of a target.
DigitalVision Vectors/Getty
Law & Courts How a Court Ruling on a School’s Admission Policy Could Impact Others
Legal experts say a coming U.S. Supreme Court decision on race in college admissions could be relevant for the magnet school's policy.
8 min read
James Pan, the parent of an eighth-grader, speaks about a lawsuit he and other parents filed against the Fairfax County School Board over its plans to change the admissions process at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, an elite public schools regularly ranked as one of the nation's best on Nov. 5, 2020 in Fairfax, Va.
James Pan, the parent of an 8th grader in Fairfax, Va., speaks Nov. 5, 2020, about a lawsuit he and other parents filed against the Fairfax County district over its plans to change the admissions process at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.
Matthew Barakat/AP


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Budget & Finance Webinar Leverage New Funding Sources with Data-Informed Practices
Address the whole child using data-informed practices, gain valuable insights, and learn strategies that can benefit your district.
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ChatGPT & Education: 8 Ways AI Improves Student Outcomes
Revolutionize student success! Don't miss our expert-led webinar demonstrating practical ways AI tools will elevate learning experiences.
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Statewide Professional Learning Supports Tennessee’s Computer Science Efforts
Learn more about this collective approach that ensures teachers in any grade band are equipped with strategies to provide computer scienc...
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For decades, Merrimack College has enjoyed a deep and fruitful partnership with Lawrence, Massachusetts, a city of more than 89,000 about five miles north of the College
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EdWeek Market Brief

Market Trends Texas Is Overhauling Its Curriculum Adoption Process. Here’s What It Means for Ed. Companies
Legislation headed to Gov. Greg Abbott's desk creates new incentives for districts to buy state-approved materials.
David Saleh Rauf
11 min read
Marketplace K-12 Lenders Sue Indian Ed-Tech Juggernaut Byju’s Over $1.2B Loan
Byju’s disputed the allegations, and said they “are related to an inconsequential technical matter” and that all payment obligations have been met.
Michelle Caffrey
4 min read
Purchasing Alert Maryland District Seeks Adaptive Reading Program; Texas System to Buy Instructional Materials
A district in Texas is looking for classroom and instructional materials, while a Maryland school system seeks an adaptive reading program.
Emma Kate Fittes
2 min read
Exclusive Data The Programs Most Likely to Go Away When Stimulus Funding Ends
EdWeek Market Brief asked district and school leaders which programs and services their systems will pare back as stimulus funding goes away.
7 min read