K-12 Resources From Our Partners

Education Week is pleased to bring you insights and thought leadership from our sponsors. Find content covering student achievement, special education, classroom technology, teaching, and more.
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College & Workforce Readiness Sponsor
Growing From Pioneers to Warriors
For decades, Merrimack College has enjoyed a deep and fruitful partnership with Lawrence, Massachusetts, a city of more than 89,000 about five miles north of the College
Content provided by Merrimack College
Two elementary students listen to conversations with Timekettle Translator Earbuds
Source from kcrg.com
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English-Language Learners Sponsor
Increasing Equity in Education for English Language Learners in the US
Timekettle Translator Earbuds are the best solution for overcoming language barriers in education
Content provided by Timekettle
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College & Workforce Readiness Sponsor
A Better Online Tool to Help in the College Search Process
Preparing to go to college is an exciting time in your students’ lives, but it can also be hectic and stressful. College Rover can help.
Content provided by College Rover
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Recruitment & Retention Sponsor
3 Strategies to Overcome the Special Education Teacher Shortage
School districts need to have strategies in place not only to retain their current staff but also to attract new professionals to ensure they are fulfilling the immediate needs of the school and its students.
Content provided by Soliant
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Reading & Literacy Sponsor
When paired with proven content, voice-enabled learning tools make literacy instruction more efficient and effective
In the aftermath of disruption to classrooms brought on by the pandemic, schools across the country are recognizing the need for lasting, structural change.
Content provided by McGraw Hill
MTSS Process
The MTSS Process
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Equity & Diversity Sponsor
Making a Difference When Faced With Disproportionality
Branching Minds supports districts across the country to improve outcomes and reduce inequities.
Content provided by Branching Minds
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Reading & Literacy Sponsor
The critical role of phonics assessment in the Science of Reading
Phonics is a cornerstone skill, both in the context of the Science of Reading as well as across curricula.
Content provided by Renaissance Learning
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School & District Management Sponsor
The Right MTSS Platform Should Empower Educators
Branching Minds works to empower educators to more effectively, efficiently, and equitably support the holistic needs of ALL students.
Content provided by Branching Minds
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Recruitment & Retention Sponsor
Sustainable Staffing: Winning Solutions For K-12 Schools and Education Professionals
Halfway through the current school year, new data confirms that staffing shortages continue to plague the U.S. education system.
Content provided by Soliant
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Recruitment & Retention Sponsor
Addressing Maldistribution in the Education Labor Market
National school staffing shortages have become increasingly difficult to address. The workforce gaps are continually shifting as the need for special services of diversifying types continues to rise. While school districts across the country are facing these issues, major inequalities exist from district to district, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Content provided by Soliant
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Curriculum Sponsor
Attention Teachers: Don’t Miss Crayola Creativity Week 2023!
Crayola Creativity Week is a free program designed to celebrate the joy of creativity to kids, educators and parents everywhere!
Content provided by Crayola
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Curriculum Sponsor
Teachers – Get Excited for Crayola Creativity Week 2023!
Crayola is bringing educators, parents, children, and celebrities together for an exciting, week-long, worldwide event: Crayola Creativity Week!
Content provided by Crayola
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Personalized Learning Sponsor
Schools are ready to innovate. To succeed, they need a better approach to data
In the aftermath of disruption to classrooms brought on by the pandemic, schools across the country are recognizing the need for lasting, structural change.
Content provided by McGraw Hill
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Data Sponsor
Better Leverage Your Student Data – Make Informed Decisions
School systems face a common problem – how to use available data to make informed decisions and equip educators with that data promptly
Content provided by InnovateEDU