
Downloadable research reports on topics currently facing the education industry with findings, success stories, and best practices
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Science Whitepaper
Statewide Professional Learning Supports Tennessee’s Computer Science Efforts
Learn more about this collective approach that ensures teachers in any grade band are equipped with strategies to provide computer scienc...
Content provided by Battelle
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Teaching Profession Whitepaper
Is Teacher Morale on the Rise? Results of the Second Annual Merrimack College Teacher Survey
Results of the second annual Merrimack College Teacher Survey suggest that teacher morale is on the rebound as schools emerge from the gr...
Content provided by Merrimack College
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Assessment Whitepaper
Six Tips to Successfully Implement Formative Assessment at Scale
Research on formative assessment repeatedly demonstrates its effectiveness in improving student outcomes — so how can K-12 schools and districts make frequent assessment sustainable? An instructional leader offers actionable advice.
Content provided by Edulastic
Budget & Finance Whitepaper Teacher & Administrator Perceptions About K-12 Education Finance
Results of the first annual Allovue Education Finance Survey suggest that education professionals have varying experiences, views, and gaps in knowledge related to key issues in K-12 education finance. This whitepaper highlights findings.
April 18, 2023
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Reading & Literacy Whitepaper
Free Webinar: Applying the Science of Reading to Unique Learners
Explore applying the Science of Reading specifically to your students, literacy instruction, and meeting unique needs based on research and proven strategies for teaching.
Content provided by n2y
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Teaching Whitepaper
Evidence-Based Strategies to Boost Student Engagement and Success
In this paper, we'll explore two effective evidence-based educational approaches, Understanding by Design and Gold Standard Project-Based...
Content provided by Defined
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Reading & Literacy Whitepaper
Putting the Science of Reading into Practice
Dive into this playbook for expert advice on how to align assessments and instruction with the Science of Reading. Read now.
Content provided by Renaissance
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Teaching Profession Whitepaper
Today’s Teachers Are Deeply Disillusioned, Survey Data Confirms
The results of the first annual Merrimack College Teacher Survey are in, and they paint a stark picture of today’s teachers.
Content provided by Merrimack College